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Beauty Tips

“Over-washing without the appropriate use of a moisturizer will actually trigger an over-production of oil on your skin,” Shokeen explains. If you’re unsure about how to put together a skin-care routine , or you’re looking to brush up on the basics, consider this your expert-backed guide. Don’t get carried away with new skin care products. Normal skin tends to require less maintenance. Adding unnecessary steps may cause irritation.

  • Sun damage is the number one cause of premature aging and skin cancer.
  • Oily skin isn’t something you can fix—it’s just something you have to manage.
  • An incredible reference for any skincare enthusiast.
  • The best method here is to bring the eyes into the foreground, use soft contouring, a good mascara and a brown pencil, .

The flawless, blemish and acne-free skin that you’ve always desired is no more a dream, but a reality. Here are some brilliant beauty tips for face to get that glow you’ve always wanted. Browse through our beauty secrets, tackle your skincare issues and follow our tricks regularly to get beautiful skin naturally. Excited, happy or stressed, it’s your face that gives you away.

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