On a mission to revamp my hair and mood, I sought the help of hair connoisseur, Bradley Thomas Cahill of Bleach London, to dye a pre-made wig to a bright copper. Dying my dark brown – almost black – wig with bleach and then using dye from the latest copper collection, the quality of the hair remained strong and silky throughout, plus the colour is vibrant. If you’re thinking of trying a new hair colour, I urge you to try out the DIY home collection. Truth be told, I am not easily impressed by new foundation releases.
This option can be however, expensive and cost you a part of budget that you have planned to start beauty brand with. It is important for your beauty brand name to not be too long and difficult to pronounce. With a unique beauty brand name, you can be sure that you will stand out against the competition. A great beauty brand name can convey the theme of your business, as well as be catchy and memorable.